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Radical Creativities focuses on the intersection between cultural research and practice, creating a new space for knowledge production. We will focus on cultural practices that lead or support societal transitions, that is to say, cultural and creative actions that are grounded in today’s challenges while championing sustainable human development. Radical Creativities seeks concrete proposals on how to generate radical and sustainable transformation, focusing on how artists, entrepreneurs, institutions and cultural workers can address global challenges and display leadership, contributing to the construction of altruist economies and social systems.
Radical Creativities applies an original approach to the process of scientific publishing, based on the principle of culture as a transformative agent, thereby recognising cultural programming and research as powerful tools for societal transformation.
Radical Creativities accepts contributions related to all forms of cultural and creative expression and opens the door to a new way of conceiving scientific journals and disseminating knowledge. Together with the traditional format of academic papers, Radical Creativities accepts contributions expressed in all cultural languages (audiovisual, music, performing arts, etc.) recognising the act of producing culture as knowledge creating in itself and welcoming artists and creatives into its community.
Manuscript Submission Guidelines
Submitting to RC indicates that the content presented has not been previously published, is not under review elsewhere, and has received approval for publication from all co-authors and relevant authorities at the affiliated organisation. RC assumes no legal responsibility for any claims arising from publication.
Permissions for Reuse
Authors must obtain permission from copyright holders to include previously published figures, tables, or text passages in both print and online formats. Evidence of permission should be included with the submitted material; failure to provide such evidence will result in the assumption that the material originates from the authors.
Online Submission Process
To submit your content, please visit Submit page and follow the on-screen instructions to upload all necessary files.
Source File Requirements
Please ensure that all relevant editable source files are provided with each submission. Formats supported for file upload:
Video: .3gp,.avi,.divx,.flv,.m1v,.m2ts,.m4v,.mkv,.mov,.mp4,.mpe,.mpeg,.mpg,.mxf,.ogv,.vob.webm,.wmv,.xvid
Images: .bmp,.gif,.heic,.heif,.jfi,.jfif,.jpe,.jpeg,.jpg,.png,.tif,.tiff,.webp
Audio: .aac,.aif,.aiff,.flac,.m4a,.mp3,.wav,.wma
Please consider
The length of submitted materials should not exceed 2000 words or a total of 4 pages (A4 format) if not in manuscript form.
Authors information should be removed from all file except the Title Page.
Materials requested upon submission
Upon submission, regardless of the format and/or cultural language of the submission, authors will be asked to provide the following documentation and information:
Title Page: an editable text document containing the following information: the submission’s title (concise and informative); names of the authors; affiliations of the authors (organisation, city, country); an active e-mail address of the corresponding author; an external link to redirect to for authors information (e.g. 16-digit ORCID for academia)
Abstract: an editable text of 100 to 250 words summarising the submission
Keywords: 4 to 6 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes
Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest: Authors must declare any financial or non-financial interests that could potentially influence the work submitted for publication, whether directly or indirectly.
Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section on the title page. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.
Citation and References
In-text citations should follow the format of (Author's Last Name, Year) enclosed in parentheses. Only include works cited within the text in the reference list. Arrange reference list entries alphabetically by the last names of the first author for each work. Whenever possible, include Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) as complete DOI links in the reference list.
Non-text material
All non-text submissions should be uploaded as single files (max. 20 separate files), including a text document containing the files descriptions and captions. The maximum files total size is 3 GB upon submission. High resolution files will be requested upon acceptance. Figures and tables of a manuscript submission don't count as non-text submissions and should be incorporated in the text file (eg. .doc) of the main manuscript.
In order to give people of all abilities and disabilities access to the content of your submission, please make sure that all visual materials have descriptive captions.
Reviewers Suggestion
Authors are encouraged to propose suitable reviewers and/or request the exclusion of specific individuals upon submission. Reviewer suggestions should ensure complete independence from the work. It is advisable to propose reviewers from diverse countries and disciplinary backgrounds. When suggesting reviewers, the Corresponding Author must furnish an institutional email address for each nominee. If this is not feasible, alternative means of verifying identity, such as links to personal homepages, publication records, or researcher/author IDs, should be provided upon submission.
Open Access and Remuneration
At the moment, Radical Creativities supports exclusively Open Access publication that doesn't foresee any sort of remuneration for the authors. We are working on a different system to allow for the proper compensation of each contribution.
By submitting a contribution to RC the authors are explicitly accepting terms and conditions of agreement with the publisher (download a copy here)
Corresponding Author’s responsibility
The role of the Corresponding Author entails representing all co-authors and overseeing the resolution of any inquiries regarding the accuracy or integrity of the work.
The specific responsibilities of the Corresponding Author include:
Ensuring that all authors listed have granted approval for the submission, including agreement on authorship order.
Managing all communication between RC and co-authors, both prior to and following publication.
Providing transparency regarding the use of materials and disclosing any unpublished content included in the submission through a cover letter to the Editor.
Ensuring that all necessary disclosures, declarations, and data transparency statements from all authors are incorporated into the manuscript as appropriate (refer to the preceding section).
Author contributions
Within research domains where discrete efforts can be delineated, RC suggests that authors include contribution statements in their work, detailing the individual contributions of each author to promote transparency. These statements should be provided on the title page.
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